The main organizer of the 12th International Reading Marathon is the Kájoni János County Library of Csíkszereda with the support of the Harghita County Council. Last year this cross-border eveniment had more than 33.000 participants from 12 countries and 292 locations!
After the works of all the greatest authors such as Benedek Elek, Orbán Balázs, Jókai Mór, Arany János, Gárdonyi Géza, Móricz Zsigmond, Kányádi Sándor, Tamási Áron, Szabó Magda, Petőfi Sándor and Radnóti Miklós, this year on the 18th of February, we are going to evoke József Attila (1905-1937) by reading his works on the occasion of his birth's 115th anniversary.